Hai friends how r u guys?Since one week i was little busy with my daughter birthday preparations.Ydy was my daughters birthday but we r giving the party this weekend.This saturday we r having the party.For my daughters birthday i want to prepare the cake for my self so i go through manyy recipes.I just bake only cup cakes.But i never tried big cakes.I was very much impressed by Vahrehvah site.I saw the black forest cake video in that website i just follow each and every step from him.Sanjay tumma is great cook.he explains each and every step.I go through many blackforest recipes most of them r using rum and brandy.But i dont have that .Sanjay tumma he mentioned u can use only sugar syrup.Ok lets go to the recipe.
For sponge Cake:
Maida-1 cup
Sugar-1 cup
Baking powder-1 tsp
Cocoa powder-1 tsp
Butter-2 tsp
vanila essence-1 tsp
For Icing:
Whipping cream-1 can
Sugar-1/2 cup
For Toppings:
Cherry can-1
Choclate bar-1
Now lets start with sponge cake.First preheat the oven to 375.First separate yolks and whites from the eggs.

Take one bowl and add the yolks,vanilla essence and sugar to it and beat it well.

In another bowl add all dry ingredients maida,baking powder,coaoa powder

whisk it well without any lumps.

Take another large bowl beat the egg whites for 5 minutes with the beater in high speed.It will changes to like white foam

When the foam stands up then we can say it is ready to bake.

Now in this foam add the egg yolk mix and mix it with spatula(dont over mix it).

Now add the dry ingredients mix and mix it well.

Now take the baking tray and grease with the butter.

Pour the mix into the grease tray and bake it for 25 minutes.

After 25 minutes check the cake is done and cool it.

When it is cool cut the cake into 2 layers.

Now to this layers we have to wet it with sugar syrup(add 1 tsp sugar in 2/3 cup water).Dont sprinkle more water.Keep this cake layers aside.
For Icing:
In large bowl pour the whipping cream and sugar to it and beat with beater with high speed.Then it turns to nice pluffy cream.This is ready to icing.

Grate the choclate with the grater.
Toppings:Open the cherry can with the can opener.cut the strawberries into half.
Lets go to actual process.
I dont have the cake board so i use the plate.First place the one layer cake.Apply whipping cream to it as shown in the picture.

To this top with cherries.

Now close this with another layer cake .

To this apply remaining whipping cream.Cover the cake fully with this cream ice it clearly.

Now cover the sides with the grated choclate.

To the top of the cake decorate with the remaining cherries and the strawberries.

Now the cake is ready.

Finally on the top of the cake u can write the name.