Hai friends today I am coming with yummy and tasty biscuits called"Baked Spicy Biscuits".This is very easy and tasty recipe.This is little healthy version .This we can fried in the oil too.If we roll this little thin we get crispy biscuits.We can add different spices.I added chilli powder and ajwain.Ok lets go the recipe

Wheat flour-1 cup
Maida-1 cup
Almond flour-1/2 cup
Suji/semolina-1/4th cup
Salt to taste
Chilli powder to taste
Ajwain-1/2 tsp
Oil-5 tsp
Water-1/2 cup(required more or less)
Take 1 cup wheat flour,1 cup maida,1/2 cup almond flour,1/4th cup suji,salt,chilli powder,ajwain and oil one by one
Whisk it well
Now add the oil and mix it well
The mixture shoild form ball
Now add the water little by little to form stiff dough
Take the dough on the clean surface and mix it well
Divide the dough into small balls
Cover the dough with lid and rest it for 30 minutes
Preheat the owen to 375F
After 30 minutes take one dough and roll it
Roll the dough into big circle .It should be thin not thick
Cut it into diamond shape with help of knife or pizza cutter
Place all the diamond cuts on the silicone mat tray .Place in the owen and bake it for 10 minutes
After 10 minutes take out from oven
Flip all the diamond cuts to another side
And bake for another 4 minutes
Take out from the owen and make it cool.When it gets cool the biscuits get crispy.Store in the jar
Enjoy the crispy biscuits with hot tea.