Hai friends today i am coming with sweet "Paala Rotti".We call this sweet as Paalasakku.This is very simple.My mom prepares this sweet frequently.She is expert in this sweet.I prepared this sweet on Ugaadhi.Now lets go to the recipe.
Rice-1 cup
sugar-3/4 cup
milk-3 cups
Ghee-2 tsps
salt -pinch
Soak the rice for 2 hours.Clean the rice with water.Add the rice and little water to the jar .Now blend to smooth paste.

Now mix the paste with the milk ,sugar and salt.

Now heat the mixer in low heat to make the paste.We have to mix it continuosly without stopping.(otherwise it sticks to the pan)
It should be thick paste.

Now the paste is done.(To know how the paste is done wet the hand and touch the paste when the paste is not stick to the hand then the paste is ready.)

Now take the pan and pour the ghee and spread all the pan like this.
Now transfer all the paste to the pan and tap the paste with the hand like the cake(apply ghee to the hand).

Now put it on the heat place the pan close the lid.Bake in low heat.

To know how the rotti is done the bottom should be light brown.
Cut it like the daimonds and serve hot.
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